Woodlawn Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. protects a primarily residential community of 18,000 people living in an area of 17 square miles. Our company consist of volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical personnel who commit their time away from their families to the citizens of Baltimore County and surrounding areas.
The Woodlawn Volunteer Fire Company is one of 33 volunteer fire and rescue companies that run in conjunction with the Baltimore County Fire Department’s 26 career stations. We use the same radio system and cover each other’s districts when other units are busy or unable to respond to alarms. Since Woodlawn is on the west side of Baltimore County with our district running on the border of Baltimore City, it is not unusual for Woodlawn to respond in to Baltimore City, especially on the ambulance. We also respond to emergencies for commercial and government facilities as well. The Social Security Administration, the Health Care Financing Administration, FBI and many businesses are in our district and call on us for help.